Nuts & Bolts of German (Explanations): Passive voice (B1)

Active and passive voice are not tenses (present tense, simple past tense, perfect tense etc. ), but two different ways of looking at the action of the sentence. This can take place in any tense.

In the active voice, the subject plays an active role in the sentence. Imagine the sentence is represented by a picture. You see the subject performing the action.


Das Mädchen isst ein Stück Sahnetorte.

(The girl is eating a piece of cream cake.)


Das Mädchen isst den Kuchen.

(The girl is eating the cake.) 

In the passive voice, the original subject who performs the action is taken out of the picture.


Instead the emphasis is on the occurrence of the action.


The subject of a passive sentence doesn’t do anything, it plays a passive role, in that something is done to it.


Ein Stück Sahnetorte wird gegessen.

(A piece of cream cake is being eaten.)


Der Kuchen wird gegessen.

(The cake is being eaten.)


In other words, the direct object of the active sentence has become the subject of the passive sentence.


There is a way of mentioning the original subject in a sentence in the passive voice and that is with the preface "von + dative":

Ein Stück Sahnetorte wird von dem Mädchen gegessen.

(A piece of cream cake is being eaten by the girl.)

Note: If the original subject wasn’t a person, you use "durch" + accusative instead of "von" + dative, e.g.

Das Haus wurde 1877 durch einen Sturm zerstört.

(The house was destroyed by a storm in 1877.)


To form the passive voice in English you use the conjugated form of "to be" plus the past participle, whereas in German you use the conjugated form of "werden" plus the past participle, i.e. in German, things "become", "became" or "will become done".


Here is an example of a sentence in the passive voice in the various tenses. Most sentences in the passive voice are either in the present tense or in the simple past tense.


English German
present tense The house is (being) built in summer.
The houses are (being) built in summer.
Das Haus wird im Sommer gebaut.
Die Häuser werden im Sommer gebaut.
simple past tense The house was built in 1900.
The houses were built in 1900.
Das Haus wurde 1900 gebaut.
Die Häuser wurden 1900 gebaut.
perfect tense The house has just been built.

The houses have just been built.

Das Haus ist gerade gebaut worden.*

Die Häuser sind gerade gebaut worden.*

past perfect tense The house had already been built.
The houses had already been built.
Das Haus war schon gebaut worden.*
Die Häuser waren schon gebaut worden.*
future tense The house will be built next year.
The houses will be built next year.
Das Haus wird nächstes Jahr gebaut werden.
Die Häuser werden nächstes gebaut werden.


* Note: the actual past participle of "werden" is "geworden", but in the passive voice the "ge-" is being dropped.


Remember: In German, the conjugated verb is always the second element in a main clause. If there are other verbs in the clause, they are at the end of that clause, e.g.

Das Haus wurde im Jahr 1900 gebaut.
Im Jahr 1900 wurde das Haus gebaut.
Das Haus wird nächstes Jahr gebaut werden
Nächstes Jahr wird das Haus gebaut werden.
Passive voice is more common in German than in English.

It can be used also with the impersonal subject "es", e.g.

Es wird gearbeitet. (Work is being done.)


This "es" can even disappear when there are expressions of time, place or manner at the beginning of the sentence, e.g.

Am Montagmorgen wird wieder gearbeitet. (Work will be done again on Monday morning.)


In der Fabrik wird gearbeitet. (Work is being done in the factory.)



Passive voice with modal verbs

This is used to say that something can/should/is supposed to /must/ought to /may (not) be done.

It is formed by using the conjugated modal verb + the past participle + the infinitive of "werden".


The passive voice with modal verbs is mainly used in the present tense, in the past tense and in the subjunctive.

conjugated modal verb past participle infinitive of "werden" English equivalent
present tense Die Betten sollen bis Mittag gemacht werden. The beds should be made before lunchtime.
simple past tense Das Gerät konnte nicht repariert werden. The appliance couldn’t be repaired.
subjunctive Das müsste noch heute abgeschickt werden. That would have to be sent out by today.

photos: © Dagmar Fischer