Nuts & Bolts of German (Explanations): Weak Nouns (Business German)

Weak nouns are a relatively small group of masculine nouns, most of which denote living beings, that add –n or -en in all other cases beyond nominative singular, e.g.


    singular plural  
  nominative case der Ire die Iren  
  accusative case den Iren die Iren  
  dative case dem Iren den Iren  
  genitive case des Iren der Iren  


    singular plural  
  nominative case der Student dieStudenten  
  accusative case den Studenten die Studenten  
  dative case dem Studenten den Studenten  
  genitive case des Studenten der Studenten  


Weak nouns ending in -e such as Ire (Irishman) as well as Bauer (peasant, farmer), Bayer (Bavarian), Nachbar (neighbour) and Ungar (Hungarian), add only -n.


Herr (mister) adds an -n in the singular and -en in the plural.


Buchstabe (letter of the alphabet), Friede (peace), Gedanke (thought), Glaube (belief), Name (name) and Wille (will) also add an -s in the genitive singular.



Groups of weak nouns: 

  • nouns ending in -e denoting a male person or a male animal, e.g. Junge (boy), Ire (Irishman), Franzose (Frenchman), Grieche (a Greek man), Löwe (lion), Kunde (customer), Kollege (colleague), Kommilitone (fellow student) etc.

  • nouns ending in -ant, -at, -ent, -ist, -krat, -oge, -om and -ot denoting a male person, e.g.

-ant: Demonstrant (demonstrator), Protestant (protestant), Lieferant (supplier)

-at: Diplomat (diplomat), Pirat (pirate), Soldat (soldier)

-ent: Konsument (consumer), Präsident (president), Student (student)

-ist: Anarchist (anarchist),  Komponist (composer), Pazifist (pacifist)

-krat: Demokrat (democrat), Technokrat (technocrat), Bürokrat (bureaucrat)

-oge: Biologe (biologist), Demagoge (demagogue), Soziologe (sociologist)

-om: Dämon (demon), Ökonom (economist), Astronom (astronomer)

-ot: Pilot (pilot), Idiot (idiot)


  • and some other nouns such as

Architekt (architect)

Astronaut (astronaut)

Automat (automat)

Bär (bear)

Bauer (peasant, farmer)

Bayer (Bavarian)

Buchstabe (letter of the alphabet)

Doktorand (graduate student studying for a doctorate)

Fotograf (photographer)

Friede (peace)

Fürst (prince)

Gedanke (thought)

Glaube (belief)

Graf (count)

Held (hero)

Herr (mister, gentleman)

Hirte (shepherd)

Kamerad (comrade)

Katholik (catholic)

Komet (comet)

Mensch (human being)

Monarch (monarch)

Nachbar (neighbour)

Name (name)

Narr (fool)

Philosoph (philosopher)

Prinz (prince)

Rebell (rebel)

Rekrut (recruit)

Spatz (sparrow)

Satellit (satellite)

Seismograph (seismograph)

Tyrann (tyrant)

Ungar (Hungarian)

Wille (will)


  • There is also a weak neuter noun: das Herz (the heart); it is irregular in the singular:

    singular plural  
  nominative case das Herz die Herzen  
  accusative case das Herz die Herzen  
  dative case dem Herzen den Herzen  
  genitive case des Herzens der Herzen