Words, Terms & Phrases: Cardinal numbers: "1 - 10 000" -> That's high!

Listen to the sound file, and write down how high these buildings and mountains are. Then press [Check] to see if you made any mistakes. Use the [Hint] button to get a free number if an answer is giving you trouble.


Click here to access information on cardinal numbers.

Der Spire in Dublin ist 120 Meter hoch.
Der Eiffelturm in Paris ist Meter hoch.
Der Kölner Dom ist Meter hoch.
Das Empire State Building ist Meter hoch.
Der Mount Everest ist Meter hoch.
Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist Meter hoch.
Die Freiheitsstatue in New York ist Meter hoch.
Der Großglockner ist Meter hoch.
Der Hamburger Michel ist Meter hoch.
Die Zugspitze ist Meter hoch.
Big Ben ist Meter hoch.

There is a mistake: Berlin's TV Tower is 365 m high. It's restaurant is at a height of 207 m.

Note: The height of these building and mountains may vary slightly from source to source. With regard to the Eiffel Tower, for example, some sources include the antenna at the top, others don’t. So don’t be surprised if you come across an article which states a different height for any of these buildings and mountains.

der Berliner Fernsehturm

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Tip: If you don't belong to the lucky few who possess a photographic memory, write down what you learnt while doing this exercise.       

photo: © Dagmar Fischer