Words, Terms & Phrases: Times of the day (II)

This is the order in which the different times of the day occur.


Fill in all the gaps, then press [Check] to see if you were right.


Use the [Hint] button to get a free letter if  you need help.



"Die Vier Tageszeiten" im Kaiserdom Königslutter in the north of Germany



die Tageszeiten


der Mo -> d Vo -> d M -> d N -> d A -> d N



Wörterbuch (LEO) Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS) Wörterbuch (Linguee) Wörterbuch (dict.cc Wörterbuch (PONS) Terminologie A - Z


Tip: If you don't belong to the lucky few who possess a photographic memory, write down what you learnt while doing this exercise.              

photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:K%C3%B6nigslutter_Obergaden_Vier_Tageszeiten.jpg