Words, Terms & Phrases: Months & Seasons: The four seasons (I) [Audio]

direct link to The four seasons (II)


Match the seasons to the months by clicking on each set of question marks and choosing the correct season to match the set of months. Then press [Check] to see if you were correct.



You may listen to the sound file while you are doing the exercise or afterwards.







der März + der April + der Mai
der Juni + der Juli + der August
der September + der Oktober + der November
der Dezember + der Januar + der Februar


Wörterbuch (LEO) Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS) Wörterbuch (Linguee) Wörterbuch (dict.cc Wörterbuch (PONS) Terminologie A - Z


Tip: If you don't belong to the lucky few who possess a photographic memory, write down what you learnt while doing this exercise.         

image: J.hagelüken: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:B%C3%A4ume_Jahreszeit_2013.jpg