Miscellaneous: Basic courtesy

"bitte" or "danke" - which words are missing in these mini-dialogues? Also complete the explanations underneath. Then press [Check] to see if you made any mistakes. Use the [Hint] button to get a free letter if you need help.


Milch oder Saft? - Saft, .
Mineralwasser? - Ja, .
Tee? - Nein, .
Und danke für alles. - Bitte, .
„Kaffee oder Tee?” - „Kaffee, . - Mit Milch und Zucker?

"danke" translates into English as " you" or "thanks".


"bitte" can be translated as "please" or as "you are " as a response to somebody thanking you.



Wörterbuch (LEO) Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS) Wörterbuch (Linguee) Wörterbuch (dict.cc Wörterbuch (PONS) Terminologie A - Z


Tip: If you don't belong to the lucky few who possess a photographic memory, write down what you learnt while doing this exercise.   

photo: © Dagmar Fischer