Miscellaneous: Lost in Germany (I)

Link to Lost in Germany (II)


Imagine you are in a German speaking country and need help. Here you will find 16 useful phrases you might need. Click on [Next] to see a phrase in English, then click on [Next] again to see this phrase and its German translation*.


Keep clicking until you know the German versions of the phrases quite well. It might help to say the German phrases out loud.



*Whenever somebody is being addressed directly in one of theses phrases, the formal form has been chosen.




Wörterbuch (LEO) Wörterbuch (BEOLINGUS) Wörterbuch (Linguee) Wörterbuch (dict.cc Wörterbuch (PONS) Terminologie A - Z


Tip: If you don't belong to the lucky few who possess a photographic memory, write down what you learnt while doing this exercise.      

Can you help me? Können Sie mir helfen?
What do I have to do?Was muss ich machen?
How much is the train ticket?Was kostet die Zugfahrkarte? or Wie viel kostet die Zugfahrkarte?
What time is it?Wie spät ist es? or Wie viel Uhr ist es?
Where does the bus go to?Wohin fährt der Bus?
How does one spell this?Wie buchstabiert man das?
Who can help me?Wer kann mir helfen?
How does the ticket machine work?Wie funktioniert der Fahrkartenautomat?
Where am I?Wo bin ich?
Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?
Can you repeat that?Können Sie das wiederholen?
Please speak slowly!Sprechen Sie bitte langsam!
I don't understand you.Ich verstehe Sie nicht.
How does one say this in German?Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?
Here is my map. Where do I find the restaurant X?Hier ist mein Stadtplan. Wo finde ich das Restaurant X?
Ich habe ein Problem.I have a problem.

photo: © Dagmar Fischer