Explanations: Nuts & Bolts of German: Forming questions (A1 Higher)

There are two types of questions:

1. yes/no-questions which can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”

2. questions that start with question words (where, when, who, how many etc.)







in Dublin.






in Dublin?


question with a question word:


wohnt er?  



1. yes/no-questions


In a yes/no-question, the conjugated verb (= the verb whose ending has to correspond with the subject) is always the first element of the question, it is followed by the subject (= who or what performs the action in the sentence) e.g.


Kommt er aus Irland?
Does he come from Ireland? / Is he coming from Ireland?
Wohnen Sie in Dublin?
Do you live in Dublin? / Are you living in Dublin?
Lernst du Deutsch?
Do you learn German? / Are you learning German?
Studieren Anna und Tim in Berlin?
Do Anna and Tim study in Berlin? / Are Anna and Tim studying in Berlin?
Heißt sie Annette?
Is she called Annette?
Ist es kalt?
Is it cold?



2. questions with question words


In these type of questions the question word(s) is (are) placed before the conjugated verb, e.g.


Woher kommt er?
Where does he come from? / Where is he coming from?
Wo wohnen Sie?
Where do you live? / Where are you living?
Was lernst du?
What do you learn? / What are you learning?
Wer* studiert in Berlin?
Who studies in Berlin? / Who is studying in Berlin?
Wie heißt sie?
What is she called?
Wie kalt ist es?
How cold is it?


*In this question, you want to find out what the subject is.



common question words are:

wer (who)  

wo (where)

woher (where .... from)

wohin (where .... to)

wann (when)

seit wann (since when)

wie (how)      

wie viel (how much)

wie viele (how many)

warum (why)

was (what)


But be careful, in some instances a different question word is used in German:

What is your name? - Wie ist dein Name?

What is she called? - Wie heißt sie?

What is your phone numer? - Wie ist Ihre Telefonnummer?

What semester are you in? - In welchem Semester sind Sie?